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SET Labortary
location Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia

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Our Products

  1. Humidifying Equipment

    1 Products available
  2. Catalysts And Absorbents

    1 Products available
  3. Industrial Chemicals

    1 Products available
  4. Medical Accessories

    1 Products available
  5. Power Connectors

    1 Products available
  6. Torchlight

    1 Products available
  7. Resins

    1 Products available
  8. Others Products 3 Products available

Our Products

We offer the best product range of Phase Transfer Reagents, Spray Chambers, Glass Expansion Accessories and Nubilizers.

Research Specialty Chemicals

We are offering research specialty chemicals.But enough about uslets talk about you. Whether you own a business or manage analysis laboratory in Saudi Arabia, you need a company that takes care of the chemicals and your instruments' spare parts and consumables so you can focus on your job. With a leading edge, competitive-prices and delivery on time chemicals, reagents, ICP-OES & ICP-MS spares and consumables, SET gives you the solutions you need.
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Phase Transfer Reagents

We are offering Phase Transfer Reagents.But enough about uslets talk about you. Whether you own a business or manage analysis laboratory in Saudi Arabia, you need a company that takes care of the chemicals and your instruments' spare parts and consumables so you can focus on your job. With a leading edge, competitive-prices and delivery on time chemicals, reagents, ICP-OES & ICP-MS spares and consumables, SET gives you the solutions you need.
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Hydrogenation Catalysts

We are offering Hydrogenation catalysts.But enough about uslets talk about you. Whether you own a business or manage analysis laboratory in Saudi Arabia, you need a company that takes care of the chemicals and your instruments' spare parts and consumables so you can focus on your job. With a leading edge, competitive-prices and delivery on time chemicals, reagents, ICP-OES & ICP-MS spares and consumables, SET gives you the solutions you need.
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Glass Concentric Nebulizers

The U-Series is GE's latest design and it has a UniFit sample connector whichslides easily over the sample arm.The benefits of the U-Series nebulizer are:Resists blockage: The sample channel is uniform from the entry pointto the tip, so there is nowhere for particulates to be trapped.Fast washout: Since there is nowhere for sample to be trapped, thefastest possible washout and highest sample throughput is achieved.
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Ion Exchange Resins

We are offering ION EXCHANGE RESINS.But enough about uslets talk about you. Whether you own a business or manage analysis laboratory in Saudi Arabia, you need a company that takes care of the chemicals and your instruments' spare parts and consumables so you can focus on your job. With a leading edge, competitive-prices and delivery on time chemicals, reagents, ICP-OES & ICP-MS spares and consumables, SET gives you the solutions you need.
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Semi Demountable Torches

Highly accurate constructionLower running costs than 1-piece torchesUsually comprises a quartz torch body, a torch adaptor, an injector andGazFit connectors. All these parts are replaceable, making the semidemountable torch more cost effective than the fixed quartz torch.Essentially the design of the torch for standard analyses and HF analyses isthe same, with the exception of the injector material. The torch for aqueousand organics analyses comes with a quartz injector, while the torch for HFanalyses comes with an alumina injector. Hence simply interchange between
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GazFit Connectors

Now theres a better way to connect argon tubes. GazFit connectors providereliable attachment of argon tubes without adhesion. Available to suit torcheswith 4mm, 5mm, 6mm and 8mm OD side arms.Note: GazFit connectors are only suitable for torches with tolerances of nomore than +- 0.15mm on the diameter of the side arms. All Glass Expansiontorches meet this specification.
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Spray Chambers

We are offering spray chambers.But enough about uslets talk about you. Whether you own a business or manage analysis laboratory in saudi arabia, you need a company that takes care of the chemicals and your instruments' spare parts and consumables so you can focus on your job. With a leading edge, competitive-prices and delivery on time chemicals, reagents, icp-oes & icp-ms spares and consumables, set gives you the solutions you need.
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Glass Expansion Accessories

We are offering Glass Expansion Accessories.But enough about uslets talk about you. Whether you own a business or manage analysis laboratory in Saudi Arabia, you need a company that takes care of the chemicals and your instruments' spare parts and consumables so you can focus on your job. With a leading edge, competitive-prices and delivery on time chemicals, reagents, ICP-OES & ICP-MS spares and consumables, SET gives you the solutions you need.
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Capricorn Argon Humidifier

with high dissolved solids concentration. Helping to prevent salt buildup inside the sample introduction system, the Argon Humidifier allows uninterrupted and maintenance free operation. The Glass Expansion Capricorn combines ease of operation, high performance and safety.The rugged and durable casing enhances safety.The built-in pressure indicator serves as a diagnostic so you alwaysknow when the chamber is pressurized.An optional easy-to-use bypass toggle allows you to take theCapricorn off-line without disconnecting argon lines.Maximum and minimum fill marks ensure that you are alwaysoperating under optimum conditions.
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